Tuesday, May 15, 2007

NYT Magazine on Coulton, Hold Steady, and “Artist 2.0″

Merlin Mann is one of the most ubiquitous web-educators for personal productivity; a major source of information in my (and many others) learning curve with Getting Things Done (GTD). He is also a contributor to the Mac rumor/info mill, collaborating with Leo Laporte and the MacBreak team.

Directly relevant to EQ Media, here Mann links to (and comments on) a story called "Sex, Drugs, and Updating Your Blog" that NYT magazine ran on Jonathan Coulton and the new model of artists connecting with fans. Ranging from self-publishing to "the flash-mob approach to touring": finding towns with fan concentrations of 100+ (thanks to MySpace and the like) and parachuting in to do a show.

There are links to Mann's interview with Coulton (that may have spurned the NYTMag piece) as well. All in all, an insightful perspective into the future of the artist-fan interface, and a great intro to the many offerings of Coulton and Mann to the EQ Media audience.

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