Monday, September 3, 2007

Focus the Nation

I just blogged over @ about Focus The Nation. I'll save the commentary I included there (check it out if you like), but I did want to note FTN here @ the EQBlog for obvious reasons: leveraging the web for sustainability. Get involved!

Focus the Nation:

"Focus the Nation will culminate January 31, 2008, in the form of national symposia held simultaneously at over a thousand campuses, places of worship, businesses, and other venues across the country. On that day, each Focus the Nation team will invite local, state and federal political leaders and candidates for office to come to campus and participate in a non-partisan, round-table discussion of global warming solutions. US Senators and members of congress, state representatives, mayors and city councilors, all will be receiving dozens of invitations to speak about global warming, from over a thousand institutions nation-wide. Every campus will also vote on their top five national priorities for global warming action, producing a campus-endorsed policy agenda for the 2008 elections. (click here for audio/video about Focus the Nation)"

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