Thursday, August 9, 2007

Pearl Jam responds to censorship on AT&T Blueroom

The Band's statement regarding the censorship at Lollapolooza this weekend is--characteristically--laser sharp. I especially appreciate the tie they made from this issue to the greater cause of net neutrality (see below). To quote them quoting Neil Young, "Keep on Rockin' the Free World" and keep supporting Net Neutrality and Independent Media!

The band's statement was quoted in this eonline article:

"This, of course, troubles us as artists but also as citizens concerned with the issue of censorship and the increasingly consolidated control of the media," the band wrote. "AT&T's actions strike at the heart of the public's concerns over the power that corporations have when it comes to determining what the public sees and hears through communications media." Pearl Jam noted that the incident showed the need to protect "Net Neutrality," ensuring that telecommunications companies treat all content equally instead of giving preference to partners or those willing to pay more.

"If a company that is controlling a Webcast is cutting out bits of our performance—not based on laws, but on their own preferences and interpretations—fans have little choice but to watch the censored version," the band said.


The band released this clip of the censored and complete versions of the performance. See for yourself:

(nice scoop Beryl)

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